Concierge Consulting - Expertise on demand. The new consulting model!
Concierge Consulting. What is it, and how it is making a difference in the consulting and training business world.
Aria Orchestrator Standalone is now manageable via LCM 8.12.
Aria Orchestrator (Standalone) is now manageable via Aria LifeCycleManager
Upgrade Aria Automation (vRA) using LCM
This comic stype block shows and discusses every step that is needed to upgrade vRA using LCM.
Minimum Linux for VMware Admins
A very short but comprehensive collection of useful and often used Linux commands. This collection is a quick lookup for all the little Linux commands that make your admin day easier. It contains:
Password management, File management, Displaying files, Editing files and some useful network commands.
Automated Model Train
The final post of theis series (for this year) featuring the automation and teh problems solved to make it all work.
VIDM upgrade to 3.3.7
How to fix the upgrade issue with vidm 3.3.7. LCMUPGRADEVIDM71205 Error.
Controlling tracks
How to control an Interrupt Track and read out a Switch Track. In this post, I will also explain debouncing and Arduino Interrupts.
Using Arduino to control Märklin Z Switch Points
Controlling a Märklin Z Switch Point (Weiche) using Arduino and Relays. Discussing the problems and the solution.
Use Bluetooth to control Märklin Z Model Train
Connect Märklin Z to an Mobile App. Running it with a program or with Manual input.This includes using an HC-05 Bluetooth module, L298N and the MIT App Inventor.
What does an Automation Specialist do around xmas?
Automate a Märklin Z model train with Arduino